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Our Head Office is moving!

We are pleased to announce that our Head Office address will be changing with effect from Monday 8th November 2010.

The move will affect both Grundon Waste Management Limited and Grundon Sand & Gravel Limited, and the new address and contact details will apply to both:

Grundon Waste Management Limited
Thames House
Oxford Road
OX10 6LX
Grundon Sand & Gravel Limited
Thames House
Oxford Road
OX10 6LX

Please note there will be no change to our existing telephone and fax numbers, and our bank details, company registration and VAT registration numbers remain unchanged.

May I please ask you to amend your purchase or sales ledger systems to reflect our new address.

The physical move is scheduled to start at 2pm on Friday afternoon 5th November and be completed by 1pm on Monday 8th. Whilst every effort will be taken to minimise any potential disruption we hope that you will bear with us in the event that we are unable to comply with some requests during this period.

We would be grateful if you would draw this change to the attention of those of your colleagues who have regular contact with us.

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